Saturday, December 8, 2012



Friday, January 20, 2012


Saturday, December 24, 2011


She is really stupid.. She always hopes that she can spend time alone with him whenever she can. But he always just hopes to go out with friends whenever he is free. He always think of friends first. He always expects her to go out with him when he goes out with friends and then when she complaint that he always just goes out with friends, then he will say he always wanna bring her go together just that she doesnt want to go out with his friends. He is so selfish, and she is so stupid.

She doesnt mind if like every week he goes out with his friends once or two nights but at least when she got the holiday or day off, she really hopes that they can go out or spend time dating together but not with whole gang of friends! In his mind he will just think of his friends first and then just ask her to go together as a company as a 'pameran'! This is not what she wants!

He always wanna save money or complain spend too much money when he is with her but he doesnt mind spending money when he goes out with friends. Priority always goes to his friends first. He just wants to do acitivity with his friends, will plan will think what to do with his friends but when goes to her, he will very seldom or cincai plan. He always spend more time with his friends but not with her.

Silly girl, can u please wake up?!!!! Dont always think of him anymore plz!!! Guys are always jual ikan!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011




Tuesday, October 25, 2011

真的一次又一次,前几天才那样,今天又重复。不说被骂;说了又被驳回,被骂,被遗忘,又重复。那说了有用吗?她真的那么不需要被重视, 不需要被关心, 等你记得她的时候才来找她, 不需要她的时候就把她给忘了, 抛到远远去了吗?

接二连三, 一次又一次, 眼睛已经承受不了了, 更何况是身心呢? 遍体鳞伤, 伤痕累累, 好累, 承受不了了!!!