We went back at 11am. What can I do? Study study study sien :( My housemates suddenly came into my room. "Nicole, we have something for u." I saw tzelay's hands were holding something. I was thinking why they give me present? My birthday is past and im still havent graduate yet.. Then i only rmb is my honey sent me something (yesterday he only told me the parcel will reach today) hahaha..
It is a soft-toy hot water bottle (it can be used to relieve period pain). I didnt see such thing b4...
Warning :
1. Do not use boiling water.
2. Only fill to a max of two-thirds capacity.
3. Fill the bottle in upright position.
4. Expel air from the bottle by lowering it carefully on to a flat surface until water appears at the opening .
5. Screw the stopper sufficiently tight to ensure that there is no leaking. Finger-tight should be adequate.
6. When not used, drain completely and store with the stopper removed in a cool, dry, dark place.
Anyway, im not going to use it. Who will sei tak to use wor ^^
Thank u so much 240!
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