Our simple ingredients :
1. Garlics, onions
2. 3 packets of maggie mee ( instant mee )
3. Fish balls
5. Fish burger
6. Curry powder
Our simple methods :
1. Put the fish burgers into the oven for grilling.
2. Cook the maggie mee until soft. Drain, keep it aside.
3. Fry the garlics and onions.
4. Add in the fish balls ( before that, cut the fish balls into 4 pieces each ), fry them.
5. Add in maggie mee, continue frying.
6. Add in curry powder, salt, sugar.
7. Push maggie mee to the edge of wok to leave a place in the middle of wok. Crack in the egg, stir them, and combine with the maggie mee.
8. Take out the fish burgers from the oven and serve with maggie mee goreng.
Tang tang tang tang............. our maggie mee goreng......